Category: News


The “Peace for Congo Network” Secretary’s office will be closed for holidays from 15th July to 05th August 2012

Thomas Lubanga Dyilo sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment

International Criminal Court – 10th july 2012     Today, Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) sentenced Thomas Lubanga Dyilo to a total period of 14 years of imprisonment. The Chamber, composed of Judge Adrian Fulford, Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito and Judge René Blattmann, also ordered that the time from Mr Lubanga’s …

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Misna – 10th july 2012   The rebels of the March 23 Movement (M23) withdrew from one of the main cities of the North Kivu province, occupied over the weekend, media correspondents refer from east DR-Congo confirming the announcement made yesterday.   Based on the reports, the rebels withdrew around 5km from the city to …

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Misna – 10th july 2012   At the conclusion of a plenary assembly in Kinshasa, the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) called for a national reawakening to save the nation from a “balkanization plan”, denounced many times. After expressing “shock” over the continuation of the “war in East, North and South Kivu, which is …

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Cardinal Filoni’s pastoral visit in Congo has begun

Agenzia Fides – 2nd July 2012   Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) “It is with great joy that I am among you this morning for this Eucharistic celebration, which marks the beginning of my apostolic visit in your beautiful and great country. I am pleased to begin my stay with this intense moment of prayer and fellowship, …

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The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Cardinal Filoni, pays a pastoral visit in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Agenzia Fides – 30th June 2012 Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – As of today, from June 30 to July 6, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will be in the Democratic Republic of Congo for a pastoral visit that will focus on “The Church in Congo: since the II …

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Controversy for the publication of a UN report on the support of Rwanda to the Congolese guerrilla

Agenzia fides – 27 June 2012   Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) – The UN Security Council decided on June 26 to publish a controversial document in which it denounced the Minister of Defence of Rwanda and several Rwandans senior officers as supporters of the Movement M23, consisting of military deserters, who act in the eastern Democratic …

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Call for International mobilization to free Ms. Ingabire Umuhoza and all other political prisoners in Rwanda

SIGN THE CALL! On Monday 16 April 2012, Ms. Ingabire Umuhoza, leader of UDF-Inkingi, held in Kigali (Rwanda) since October 2010, decided to withdraw, with immediate effect, from the kangaroo trial opened for more than six months before the High Court of Kigali. This decision followed the refusal by the prosecution and the court to …

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DR Congo: Arms supplies fuelling unlawful killings and rape

Amnesty International rapport – 12 june 2012 Political leaders must act immediately and halt arms supplies to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where they continue to fuel unlawful killings, rape, looting and abductions, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.   The report, ‘If you resist, we’ll shoot you’, highlights how Congolese …

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Malnutrition and violence the innocent children and the population of Goma are having to face

Agenzia Fides – 4 june 2012 Today, June 4, is the “International Day of Innocent Children Victims of aggression” sponsored by the United Nations. The young ones and the entire population of North Kivu suffer the climate of tension caused by armed groups in the country that, without distinction, become responsible for violence to women …

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