
Author's posts

Congo News n. 134

SUMMARY EDITORIAL 1. INCREASING TENSION IN THE RUN-UP TO THE DECLARATION OF RESULTS    – Premature declarations of victory and reactions    – HRW condemns pre-election violence 2. GRADUAL RELEASE OF PARTIAL RESULTS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS    – The Electoral Commission begins publishing gradual results    – Reactions of candidates and political parties    …

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Congo News n. 133

SUMMARY Editorial 1. ELECTION CAMPAIGN ENDS IN VIOLENCE An Atmosphere of Uncertainty The eve of the elections in Kinshasa: tension mounts, rallies cancelled. Tshisekedi defies the authorities’ ruling Vital Kamerhe denounces the attitude of the authorities 2. THE CONDUCT OF THE ELECTIONS The eve of the ballot The day of the elections 3. INITIAL EVALUATION …

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Congo News n. 132

Summary Editorial 1. Electoral process    – The Activities of the Electoral Commission    – Recent Irregularities    – Civil Disorder during Electioneering    – Republic’s Institutions disrupted    – Civil society speaks out    – Elections 2011: a defining moment

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Congo News n. 131 – Supplement

SUMMARY: 1. OBSERVATIONS ON THE ONGOING ELECTORAL PROCESS a. The collapse and fragmentation of political forces b. One-round elections and a divided opposition c. An inconsistent electoral campaign d. Pre-election demonstrations as a prelude to the contestation of the election results e. Congolese unity, a key issue in the presidential election on 28th November 2011

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Congo News n. 130

Summary EDITORIAL ELECTORAL PROCESS Audit of electoral documents Registration of voters Provisional list of candidates for the legislative elections Final list of 11 candidates for the presidential election Final list of candidates for the national assembly election Logistical problems Pre-electoral tensions Declarations of the Civil Society Towards decoupling of the presidential and legislative elections? Electoral …

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Congo News n. 129

SUMMARY: EDITORIAL 1. ELECTION PROCESS    – Submission of presidential and legislative elections candidate applications    – Pre-election violence in Kinshasa 2. KIVU    – Fear of a Rwandan invasion    – Possible repercussions on Kivu from Paul Kagame’s visit to Paris 3. JUSTICE    – Draft bill to establish a specialised mixed court

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