Malnutrition and violence the innocent children and the population of Goma are having to face

Agenzia Fides – 4 june 2012

Today, June 4, is the “International Day of Innocent Children Victims of aggression” sponsored by the United Nations.

The young ones and the entire population of North Kivu suffer the climate of tension caused by armed groups in the country that, without distinction, become responsible for violence to women and children, as well as murders.

Many people have fled in fear, so just on the outskirts of Goma refugee camps have been formed: in four days 15 000 people, mostly elderly, women, children have arrived. Moreover, the war around Goma has greatly reduced the arrival of agricultural products, with the consequent increase in prices.

“The situation inside the city of Goma, is quiet, the students are preparing themselves for their final end of year exams. But they do not eat anymore at the Don Bosco Center, since the World Food Programme (WFP) has reduced drastically the distribution of food due to the ‘ depletion of reserves’,” is what is reads in a note by Fr. Piero Gavioli, of the Salesian Society in Goma-Ngangi sent to Fides by Ans.

The Don Bosco Center has welcomed so far 18 boys and a girl ex-soldier who were guests of a Transitional Center of Orientation (CTO) run by Caritas in Rutshuru, 80 km north of Goma, because traumatized by the experiences lived.

With the help of a psychologist they were regaining a certain serenity, but the gunshots and mortar fire of the fighting have lead them to the crisis again and the director of Caritas asked the Salesians to host them, awaiting the end of the fighting.

(AP) (Agenzia Fides 04/06/2012)