Cardinal Filoni’s pastoral visit in Congo has begun

Agenzia Fides – 2nd July 2012


Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides)

“It is with great joy that I am among you this morning for this Eucharistic celebration, which marks the beginning of my apostolic visit in your beautiful and great country. I am pleased to begin my stay with this intense moment of prayer and fellowship, in order to entrust to God the program of the coming days.”

With these words Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, began his homily on Sunday, 1 July, presiding the concelebrated Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame du Congo, in Kinshasa, which was attended by all the Congolese Bishops, the Apostolic Nuncio, His Exc. Mgr. Tito Yllana, civil authorities, as well as men and women religious and lay people (see Fides 30/06/2012).

The Cardinal said: “This apostolic visit in Congolese land is intended to confirm you in faith. It also wants and above all to manifest the Holy Father’s closeness, who carries you in his heart and his prayers.”

Commenting on the Sunday Gospel, the healing of the woman afflicted with hemorrhage, and the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter, Cardinal Filoni said: “Today’s gospel teaches, in particular, that Jesus has power not only concerning diseases but also death. The miracle of Jairus’ daughter resurrection has an educational value and teaching. It means that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life and that he received from God the Father, the power to give life. Another lesson we can draw from the story of Mark. The intervention of Jesus is always in response to the faith proclaimed by his interlocutors, or raises their faith.”

Therefore the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples made some applications at a social and ecclesial level.

“In social terms, illness and death that prompted the intervention of Jesus are all the evils and tragedies suffered by the Congolese today. Many are victims of social injustice, violation of human rights, indiscriminate violence of the incessant wars and insecurity. The scourges of poverty, disease, hatred and division are a real cause of suffering for individuals and families …

At an ecclesial level, sickness and death are our personal and communal sin, moral and spiritual problems that afflict the Church and the behavior contrary to our Christian vocation to holiness.

These are the jealousies that create conflicts and divisions within the Christian community, tribalism, nepotism, and anything that causes the rejection of others, the lack of a sincere belief and commitment that results in irregular attendance to the sacraments, religious syncretism, in following sects and apostasy. What emerges in particular is the problematic situation of the family, due to the lack of respect for the Catholic conjugal morality, cohabitation, divorce and polygamy.

On all these issues, the Church-Family in the Democratic Republic of Congo has need of conversion and renewal. For you, the voice of Jesus resonates more strongly: Talitha kum! Stand up! He invites you to a spiritual jolt.”

Concluding his homily, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples urged: “Yes, Jesus invites you to stand up, ready for the mission. He invites you to use your energy and human spirit with courage and strength to proclaim the Good News of salvation. In the present context, the primary mission for the Church of Congo, as we have said, is the promotion of reconciliation, justice and peace.”

(SL) (Agenzia Fides 02/07/2012)